History of 

Reading Failure

Educational Inequities & Reading Achievement Gap

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

U.S. African-American public school reading failure by year

% of students reading below level at 4th grade

2022-84% 2019-82% 2017-81% 2015-82% 2013-83% 2011-84% 2009-86% 2007-84% 2005-88%

(*the majority of 4th grade students did not learn to read successfully every year)


The reading achievement gap between African American students and their white peers has been influenced by a long history of discriminatory policies and systemic racism. 

Here are some key factors:

Slave Codes:

Specific Laws and Punishments:

Fear of Rebellion:

Resistance and Secret Education:

Segregated and Unequal Schooling:

Disparities in School Funding:

Curriculum and Instruction:

Discriminatory Practices and Low Expectations:

Access to Early Childhood Education:

Socioeconomic Factors:

Educational Disparities Impact on African American Culture and Literacy: